Table of Contents:
  • Intercultural communication theory and basics. - S. 25-76. Hofstede, Geert: Diplomats as cultural bridge builders. - S. 25-38. Macfarlane, Lewis R. and Heather Robinson: Lessons from two fields: a diplomat and an interculturalist converse. - S. 39-56. Lewis, Diana M.: Language, culture and the globalisation of discourse. - S. 57-68. Serracino Inglott, Peter: Portraying the religions of the mediterranean. -S. 69-76. Intercultural communication and the practise of diplomacy. - S. 79-130. Kappeler, Dietrich: The impact of cultural diversity om multilateral diplomacy and relations. - S. 79-82. Reimann, Heinrich: On the importance and essence of foreign cultural policy of states: the interplay between diplomacy and intercultural communication. - S. 83-88. Katrandzhiev, Valentin: Cultural content on the websites of diplomatic systems. - S. 89-108. Gillespie, Sandra: Diplomacy on a south-south dimension: the legacy of Mao's three-worlds theory and the evolution of Sino-African relations. - S. 109-130. Publ